Tips for Safely Towing a Horse Float

Tips for Safely Towing a Horse Float

16th Apr 2021

It’s Spring Racing Carnival Time in Melbourne at the moment, and ‘The Race That Stops a Nation’ is (at the time of writing) just a week away. As a result, equestrian activities are likely on the mind of many horse lovers. As the weather slowly warms, you might feel more inclined to take your horse for a ride at the nearest equestrian club or even out in Victoria’s beautiful bushland.

When it comes to transporting your horse, it’s likely that you have a horse float that you tow on the back of your vehicle. Fivestar Towbars, the towbar installation specialists in Melbourne, offers some tips for safely towing a horse float while you’re driving.

Things to Consider

Horses are not known for being petite; in fact, they’re the opposite, and can weigh a literal half tonne each. When it comes to installing a towbar, you need to know what your vehicle’s towing capacity is. If the combination of horse and horse float exceeds your 4WD’s legal towing capacity, you’ll not only be breaking the law, but you also run the risk of putting other users on the road in danger – not to mention your horse as well.

Just as you’d have an electric brake controller fitted to your towed caravan or trailer, so too should you have one for your horse float as well. This device effectively alerts the towed float that the driven vehicle is slowing down or braking to stop and that it too needs to follow suit.

When you’re driving, it’s best to avoid suddenly changing lanes or braking, as these unexpected movements could potentially injure your horse. By braking or changing lanes gently, your horse should remain safe, comfortable and happy.

Consult your Equestrian Club

Above, we have listed just a few points to consider; it is by no means the be-all-and-end-all though. We recommend speaking to an equestrian expert first about safe towing. And once you’ve gotten the information you need, we can certainly help you with the products and towbar installation! Get in touch with us today; we’ll happily come to you anywhere in metropolitan Melbourne.

Our Suppliers

All types of towbars and tow hitches for all applications are available to be installed by Five Star Towbars. Many other accessories such as brake controllers, load levelling systems, airglide systems and anti away systems are also available.

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